Lilian Enciu

Lilian Enciu

National member

Has 10 years of legal experience, starting as a consultant at the National Integrity Commission, Revenue and Property Control Directorate, and the Analysis, Monitoring, and Evaluation Directorate of Integrity Policies.

Who is Lilian Enciu

Lilian Enciu has 10 years of experience in the legal field. He started his activity as a consultant within the national Integrity Commission, the Directorate of income and properly control and the Directorate of analysis, monitoring and evaluation of integrity policies, being trained in the procedures for verifying the incomes and properties of public officials as well as in the development of public integrity policies.

At the same time, he was a member of the Working Group for the elaboration of Justice Sector Reform Strategies and the National Anticorruption Strategy. He has the capacity of trainer in the field of integrity of the public function. For a while, Lilian Enciu was a lecturer at the University of European Studies in Moldova. He worked as Head of the Public Law Section within the Office of the President of the Republic of Moldova, as well as a consultant in the field of legislative drafting.

In 2020, he became an adviser in the legal field to the President of the Parliament, being responsible for legislative drafting, constitutional analysis, representation at the Constitutional Court and cooperation with legal bodies. In the following period, he was Member of the Central Electoral Commisisipn, being responsible for the activity and judicial representation of the Commission. In 2022, he passed the bar exam. Lilian Enciu had master’s degree in constitutional and administrative law.