Vetting Interview: International members of the Vetting Commission about evaluation, corruption, and local specificity


In an interview for, the international members of the Vetting Commission - Scott Bales, Maria Giuliana Civinini, and Lavly Perling - reveal what prompted them to get involved in reforming the judicial system in Moldova. They provide insight into the issues within the system and share observations and experiences gained during the evaluation of judges and candidates for judicial positions and in the self-governing bodies of judges.

⭕ Scott Bales, the chairperson of the Vetting Commission and former Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court, USA, states that he was drawn to the opportunity to contribute to the reform process in a country aspiring to greater public trust in the integrity of its judicial system. "It's a valuable way to share my knowledge and experience," says Scott Bales.

⭕ Maria Giuliana Civinini, a member of the Vetting Commission and former Judge in Italy, recounts dedicating her entire life to fighting corruption and organized crime, as well as defending the independence and impartiality of the judicial system. Her extensive experience in legal cooperation motivated her to get involved in this process in Moldova, considering her previous experience in Kosovo and Albania.

⭕ Lavly Perling, former Prosecutor General of Estonia and member of the Vetting Commission, emphasizes in the interview: "It's no secret that when we talk about Moldova, we often talk about corruption. And we know Moldova's position on the corruption perception index analyzed by Transparency International. This is not a good position. Corruption is a problem in Moldova, and the fight against corruption is essential for the country's development and prosperity." Lavly Perling further states that: "Vetting is a necessary and beneficial process that can bring hope for honest judges and prosecutors, as well as for the entire Moldovan society."

In conclusion, the three members of the Vetting Commission encourage all those involved in the evaluation process to see it as an important step towards a more transparent and fair justice system in Moldova.


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