Hearing of Dorin Munteanu candidate for the position of judge of the SCJ


Judge Dorin Munteanu is subject to the Vetting Commission's evaluation under Article 3 para. (1) letter b) of Law no. 65/2023. He has been heard publicly in the context of the external evaluation of candidates for the position of judge of the Supreme Court Justice.

During the hearing, Commission members addressed in their questions discrepancies between revenues and expenditures across multiple years within the evaluation period, with notable differences observed in the years 2012, 2015, 2016, and 2018.

Additionally, members sought clarification on various aspects concerning the declaration of assets and interests regime. This included instances where loans provided by a legal entity and an individual were not disclosed in the declarations submitted to the National Integrity Authority, failure to report cash savings available in 2020, and omission of the payment of a $20,000 debt.

After the hearing, the Commission will prepare a report that will include relevant facts, reasons, and a proposal for either passing or failing the evaluation by the candidate. The report will be sent to the subject of the evaluation and the Superior Council of Magistracy, which will have 30 days from the reception of the Commission's report to issue a reasoned decision.

📜The evaluation of the Supreme Court of Justice judges and of candidates for the position of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice is carried out based on the following principles:

a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;

b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;

c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;

d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.


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