Hearing of Vitalie Ciuchitu, candidate to the Superior Council of Magistracy


Attorney-at-law Vitalie Ciuchitu was nominated by the Parliament as a candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) from among non-judges. By decision of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Appointments and Immunities of 14 November 2023 the candidate was referred to the Vetting Commission for evaluation. The Commission evaluated him based on the integrity criteria established in Law 26/2022 and in the context of the evaluation he was invited to public hearing.The hearing focused on several aspects of financial and ethical integrity. Commission members sought to clarify:

- the sources of declared cash savings;

- unexplained wealth for the period 2008–2021;

- potential ethical integrity issues related to the inclusion of an apparently fictitious price in a car purchase agreement, and non-compliance with legislation regarding construction work execution.

The Vetting Commission will issue a reasoned decision on passing or failing the evaluation.

📜The evaluation of candidates for the positions of members in the self-administration bodies of judges is carried out based on the following principles:

a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;

b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;

c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;

d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.


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