Hearing of Anatolie Țurcan, incumbent judge of the Supreme Court of Justice


Anatolie Turcan was publicly heard by the Vetting Commission as an incumbent judge of the Supreme Court of Justice. The hearing took place in the context of the assessment of his financial and ethical integrity and was conducted under the provisions of Law 65/2023, rules subordinate to the law and other normative acts.

As part of the assessment process, the Commission heard judge Anatolie Țurcan to clarify certain aspects of his integrity. During the hearings, the questions of the Commission members mainly concerned two aspects:

- the financial aspect, which refers to the existence of inexplicable wealth in the years 2012, 2013 and 2018, falling within the assessment period.

- the ethical aspect, related to the role of the judge in the delivery of several ECHR judgments in which the Republic of Moldova was sanctioned for violation of various articles of the Convention.

It also discussed the judge's unjustified absence from work on a working day and how this behavior could have affected the work of the supreme court and the prestige of the office of judge.

After the hearing, the Commission will prepare a report that will include relevant facts, reasons, and a proposal for either passing or failing the evaluation by the candidate. The report will be sent to the subject of the evaluation and the Superior Council of Magistracy, which will have 30 days from the reception of the Commission's report to issue a reasoned decision.

📜The evaluation of the Supreme Court of Justice judges and of candidates for the position of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice is carried out based on the following principles:

a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;

b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;

c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;

d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.


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