Judge Ala Malîi from the Central Court of Appeal - formerly the Chișinău Court of Appeal until its renaming on December 27, 2024 - undergoes evaluation by the Judicial Vetting Commission in compliance with the provisions of Law No. 252/2023. As part of the integrity evaluation process, the Commission invited him to a hearing.
During the hearing, Panel A, composed of Commission members Andrei Bivol, Lavly Perling, and Lilian Enciu, questioned the judge to clarify aspects related to a potentially unexplained wealth during the periods 2013-2016 and 2023, a potential conflict of interest, as well as involvement in a case that led to findings of violations of the European Convention on Human Rights.
⭕️For the hearings conducted under Law 252/2023, the six members of the Commission were divided into two panels of three members each, designated as Panel A and Panel B. Each panel included both national and international members.
🌐 Visit the Judicial Vetting Commission's website for more details on the extraordinary evaluation of judges - https://vettingmd.eu
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📜The external extraordinary evaluation is carried out based on the following principles:
a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;
b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;
c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;
d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.