Hearing of Lilia Potînga, candidate for the Disciplinary Board of the SCM


Judge Lilia Potînga from the Ungheni Court was heard by the Vetting Commission as a candidate for membership in the Disciplinary Board of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). The Commission invited her for the hearing as part of the external evaluation of the candidate's financial and ethical integrity, conducted under the provisions of Law 26/2022, its subordinate regulations, and other normative acts.

During the evaluation process, the Commission did not identify any doubts regarding the candidate's financial or ethical integrity. Therefore, during the hearing, she confirmed the accuracy and validity of the information presented to the Commission during the verification process.

📜The evaluation of candidates for the positions of members in the self-administration bodies of judges is carried out based on the following principles:

a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;

b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;

c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;

d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.


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