Hearing of Dumitru Mardari, candidate for the position of Supreme Court judge


Former judge Dumitru Mardari is running for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) and is being evaluated by the Vetting Commission according to Law no. 65/2023. In the context of the external integrity evaluation of the candidate, the Commission invited the judge to a hearing.

During the hearing, the members of the Commission asked the candidate several questions related to an issue of ethical integrity concerning cases in which the Republic of Moldova has been condemned at the European Court of Human Rights.

After the hearing, the Commission will adopt a report containing the relevant facts, the reasons and the proposal whether or not the candidate should pass or fail the assessment. The report will be sent to the Superior Council of Magistracy.

📜The evaluation of the Supreme Court of Justice judges and of candidates for the position of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice is carried out based on the following principles:

a) independence of the Evaluation Commission;

b) fairness of the evaluation procedure;

c) publicity of the acts issued in the evaluation process;

d) exceptional nature of the evaluation.


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