A candidate for membership in the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges withdrew from the competition


Natalia Gavrilenco, a candidate for the position of member to the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy withdrew from the competition. The withdrawal equals to failing the evaluation, in accordance with the provisions of Article 13, paragraph (1) of Law No. 26/2022 on measures related to the selection of candidates for the positions of members in the self-administration bodies of judges and prosecutors.

The Vetting Commission's decision has been communicated to both Natalia Gavrilenco and the Superior Council of Magistracy; the institution responsible for organizing the competition. Information regarding the evaluation outcome has been published on the Commission's website. If the candidate does not notify the Commission of her opposition to publication within 48 hours of sending the decision, the depersonalized decision will be placed on the Commission’s website.

After the withdrawal of Natalia Gavrilenco, there are now 8 candidates remaining in the competition for filling the vacant positions within the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy.

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