Evaluation completed for a candidate to the Supreme Court and a judge from the Central Court of Appeal


The Judicial Vetting Commission has published the results of its evaluation regarding a candidate for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) and a judge from the Central Court of Appeal, both evaluated based on financial integrity and ethical compliance criteria.

According to the Commission, Diana Ioniță, the SCJ candidate, failed the evaluation, whereas judge Igor Chiroșca passed the external evaluation. Both evaluation reports have been submitted to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), which will review the findings and decide whether to accept or reject the reports.

Procedure details

The Judicial Vetting Commission assesses subjects based on specific financial integrity and ethical criteria, as established by law.

The evaluation of candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court is conducted in accordance with Law 65/2023. Following this process, the Commission approves a report containing a recommendation for either passing or failing the evaluation. The report is then submitted to both the candidate and to the SCM for review.

The evaluation of judges from the Appellate Courts is carried out under Law 252/2023. At the end of the assessment process, the designated evaluation panel approves a report with a proposal for either passing or failing the evaluation, which is then sent to both the SCM and the evaluated judge.

In both cases, the SCM reviews the evaluation results and issues a decision on whether to accept or reject them.

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