Reports on the evaluation of the candidates to the SCJ, Irina Iacub and Svetlana Balmuș, sent to the SCM for examination


The Vetting Commission has completed the integrity evaluation of attorney-at-law Irina Iacub and member of the Superior Council of Prosecutors Svetlana Balmuș, who are running for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ). The evaluation reports, with the proposal to fail in both cases, have been sent to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM).

The SCM is to examine the details of the evaluation and decide whether to accept or reject the reports. Within 3 days of the adoption of the reasoned decisions by the SCM, the Vetting Commission will publish the reports on its webpage, in accordance with the provisions of Law 65/2023 and the Commission's Rules of Organization and Functioning.

In the process of the external evaluation of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), the Vetting Commission submitted a total of 14 evaluation reports to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), so far. Of these, 10 reports included proposals for pass, while 4 contained proposals for fail. The SCM has taken a decision on 11 of these reports. The Vetting Commission is currently working on reports for 5 additional candidates and one incumbent SCJ judge who have recently been heard. Seven candidates for the SCJ and one SCJ judge in office remain under examination, with hearings to be scheduled in the upcoming period.

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