The Judicial Vetting Commission has completed the assessment of judges Oxana Robu and Ala Malîi from the Central Court of Appeal and submitted its reports to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). According to the reports, the Commission recommends that both judges fail the external integrity evaluation.
The SCM will review the evaluation results and decide whether to accept or reject the reports. The reports have also been submitted to the judges concerned. These evaluations are part of the broader integrity evaluation process for certain categories of judges, as mandated by Law 252/2023.
Evaluation details
The evaluation of judge Ala Malîi was randomly assigned to Panel A of the Commission, composed of Andrei Bivol, Lavly Perling, and Lilian Enciu. After her hearing, the case was referred to the full Commission due to lack of consensus. The judge was invited to a second hearing with the participation of all Commission members. The second hearing did not take place, as the judge exercised her right not to participate.
The evaluation of judge Oxana Robu was distributed to Panel B, composed of Scott Bales, Willem Brouwer, and Iurie Gațcan. Both judges participated in the February round of hearings.
At this stage, the reports remain confidential. Only the outcome of the evaluation is published on the Commission’s website, under the “Subjects” section. The full reports will be made public within three days following the expiration of the appeals period for the SCM decisions, or upon the Supreme Court of Justice either rejecting any appeals or confirming the outcome of the evaluation, whether promotion or non-promotion.
Overall status of evaluations at the Central Court of Appeal
Out of the 18 sitting judges of the Central Court of Appeal undergoing evaluation under Law 252/2023: