HEARINGS scheduled for 16 - 19 September 2024


The Judicial Vetting Commission publishes the hearings schedule for 16-19 September, when several subjects of the extraordinary external evaluation will undergo hearings, as follows:


Monday, 16 September

10:00 Lilia POTÎNGA, candidate to the Disciplinary Board of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM)

10:30 Eugeniu BEȘELEA, candidate to the Selection and Evaluation Board of the SCM

11:30 Natalia BONDARENCO, candidate to the Disciplinary Board of the SCM

13:30 Mariana URSACHI (Pitic), acting judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) (subject to confirmation)


Tuesday, 17 September

11:30 Grigore MANOLI, candidate to the SCJ

Wednesday, 18 September

9:30 Vladimir ADAM, candidate to the SCJ

11:30 Dumitru MARDARI, candidate to the SCJ

13:30 Lucia BAGRIN, candidate to the Disciplinary Board of the SCM


Thursday, 19 September

9:30 Ștefan STARCIUC, candidate to the SCM

The candidate for the Disciplinary Board of the SCM, judge Valentina Stratulat, exercised her right not to participate in the hearing.

Interested parties wishing to observe the external evaluation process of judges may attend the hearings by notifying the Vetting Commission Secretariat in advance via email at press@vettingmd.eu. The hearings will be held at the Superior Council of Magistracy in Chișinău, at 5 M. Eminescu Street.

Note: During the hearings, attendees will not be permitted to film or take photographs. Interested journalists may obtain photographs from the Secretariat. The hearings will be recorded and published on the Commission’s YouTube channel: ComisiaVetting |VettingCommission - YouTube within 3 days of the hearing date.

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