Judge Andrei Cazacicov has passed the external evaluation by the Vetting Commission


Judge Andrei Cazacicov of the Edineț Court, Briceni Office, has successfully passed the external evaluation conducted by the Vetting Commission for the position of a member of the Disciplinary Board of judges. Today, the Commission sent its reasoned decision to both the candidate and the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM). According to the decision, Andrei Cazacicov meets the integrity criteria established by Law 26/2022, under which he was evaluated.

The evaluation result has been published on the Commission's website. As per the procedure, Andrei Cazacicov shall notify the Secretariat of the Commission within 48 hours of receiving the document if he opposes the publication of the decision. In the absence of such a notification, the decision will be published on www.vettingmd.eu

Candidates for the SCM and the two specialized boards of the SCM who have entered the competition after 1 September 2023, are evaluated by the Vetting Commission, as stipulated by Law 252/2023 regarding the external evaluation of judges and prosecutors.

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