Two SCJ candidates and three candidates for the Evaluation and Selection Board of Judges passed the external evaluation


The Vetting Commission has completed the evaluation of candidates for membership in the Selection and Evaluation Board of Judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), namely Ana Zabulica, Stanislav Grosu, and Vitalie Pîslariuc, as well as candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Ruslan Berzoi and Ludmila Bolocan. According to the Commission, all five subjects of the evaluation meet the criteria of ethical and financial integrity as defined by the relevant laws under which they were assessed.

For the candidates in the SCM Board, evaluated under Law 26/2022, the Vetting Commission has made pass decisions. The decisions have been communicated both to the candidates and to the SCM as the organizer of the competition for filling the vacant positions on the two specialized boards of judges. Ana Zabulica, Stanislav Grosu, and Vitalie Pîslariuc are to notify the Commission within 48 hours whether they oppose or agree to the publication of the decisions. In the absence of such notification, the Commission will publish the decisions on its website at

Regarding the SCJ candidates evaluated under the provisions of Law 65/2023 the Vetting Commission has adopted evaluation reports with proposal to pass, which have also been transmitted to the SCM. The SCM will review the results of the evaluation conducted by the Commission and will adopt reasoned decisions to either accept or reject the Commission's reports.

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