Notifications of hearing participation – September 2024


The Vetting Commission (Judicial Evaluation Commission) has issued notifications for participation in hearings concerning a group of subjects undergoing extraordinary external evaluation. The hearings will take place from September 16 to 18 and involve candidates for different positions within the judiciary’s self-governing bodies, candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), and an incumbent SCJ judge.

List of subjects invited to hearings

1. Candidates for the position of judge at the SCJ (evaluated under Law 65/2023):

     o Vladimir Adam, prosecutor at the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office

     o Dumitru Mardari, former judge

     o Grigore Manoli, judge, Chișinău Court

     o Mariana Ursachi (Pitic), incumbent judge at the SCJ

2. Candidates for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) (evaluated under Law 26/2022):

     o Ștefan Starciuc, judge, Court of Appeal Comrat

3. Candidates for the position of member of the Disciplinary Board (evaluated under Law 26/2022):

     o Lilia Potînga, judge, Ungheni District Court

     o Valentina Stratulat, judge, Ungheni District Court

     o Natalia Bondarenco, judge, Cahul Court of Appeal

     o Lucia Bagrin, judge, Chișinău District Court

4. Candidates for the position of member of the Selection and Evaluation Board of Judges (evaluated under Law 26/2022):

     o Eugeniu Beșelea, judge, Chișinău District Court

The notifications issued by the Commission include aspects related to the financial and ethical integrity of the subjects, where doubts have been identified. These matters will be discussed during the interviews. The notified subjects are required to confirm their participation in the hearings within 3 days of receiving the notification. In the event of a refusal, the evaluation will proceed based on the information already collected. Additionally, in cases where the Commission has not identified any integrity doubts, the subjects have been informed of their right to participate in the hearings and have been asked to confirm the accuracy and validity of the information presented in their declarations, the ethics questionnaire, and the responses provided to the Commission throughout the entire evaluation process.

Prior to the hearings, subjects may request access to the evaluation materials. Requests for access to the evaluation file must be submitted via email to the Commission’s Secretariat at least 7 days before the hearing. The Secretariat will provide the requested materials in an electronic format, accessible for reading only.

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