Judges from the Courts of Appeal in Cahul, Comrat and Bălți are the next to be evaluated by the Vetting Commission


The Judicial Vetting Commission has requested the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) to provide the lists of judges in office from the Court of Appeal Cahul, Court of Appeal Comrat and Court of Appeal Bălți, who will undergo external evaluation regarding their financial and ethical integrity. The lists will also include judges who are suspended from office, in accordance with Law 252/2023. The basis for the Commission's request to the SCM is the Law 252/2023 and the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the Commission.

The Superior Council of Magistracy will send the Vetting Commission the list of judges for evaluation, along with their contact details (home address, phone number, and email address), within five days of the request, as stipulated in Article 12 paragraph (1) of Law 252/2023.

Law 252/2023 regulates the external evaluation of judges and prosecutors and empowers the Vetting Commission to verify the financial and ethical integrity of certain categories of judges, including those from the Courts of Appeal, presidents, and vice-presidents of courts, as well as candidates for these positions. Additionally, the law establishes exceptions to the evaluation for judges who have previously undergone and passed the evaluation process or resign within 20 days of notification.

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