Evaluation completed for one candidate to the Supreme Court of Justice and four candidates for membership in the specialized boards of judges


The Judicial Vetting Commission publishes the evaluation results of five subjects assessed in terms of their financial and ethical integrity.

According to the Commission, judges Natalia Bondarenco and Lilia Potînga, candidates for membership in the Disciplinary Board of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), as well as judge Eugeniu Beșelea, candidate for the Selection and Evaluation Board of Judges of the SCM, passed the evaluation. The candidate for membership in the Disciplinary Board of the SCM, lawyer Ion Buruiană, failed the evaluation.

Additionally, regarding the candidate for the Supreme Court of Justice, judge Dorin Munteanu, the Commission approved a fail evaluation report.

About the procedure

The evaluation process conducted by the Vetting Commission is designed to assess subjects based on specific criteria of financial and ethical integrity.

The evaluation of candidates for positions in the SCM Boards is conducted in accordance with the criteria set forth in Law 26/2022. Once the evaluation procedure is completed the Evaluation Commission issues a reasoned decision on passing or failing the evaluation. After receiving the decision, a candidate have 48 hours to notify the Commission if he or she opposes its publication. In the absence of such a notification, the Commission will publish the decision on its website. The decisions of the Evaluation Commission may be appealed at the Supreme Court of Justice within 5 days.

Candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice are evaluated by the Vetting Commission based on Law 65/2023. In this case, the Commission approves evaluation reports, which are sent to the candidates for information and to the SCM for examination. The SCM analyzes the results of the evaluations conducted by the Commission and adopts decisions accepting or rejecting the Commission's report. The report is published only after SCM issues a reasoned decision on the case.

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