First public hearings in the evaluation process of SCJ judges and candidates for SCJ judge position


The Vetting Commission initiated public hearings as part of the assessment of the financial and ethical integrity of judges of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) and candidates for the position of SCJ judge. The first subjects to be interviewed were Aliona MIRON, acting SCJ judge, and the candidates for the CSJ judge position, Sergiu BRIGAI and Viorica PUICA. The public hearing represents a stage in the evaluation process where the Commission invites candidates to address also any doubts it may have about them before compiling the final report.

During the hearings, Commission members asked the subjects whether the information provided by them in the verification process is truthful and complete, and whether it has undergone any changes in the meantime. Additionally, candidates had the opportunity to make a declaration, if considered necessary.

The interviews were recorded through audio and video means, and the recordings will be published on the Vetting Commission's website within 3 days. The public hearings were conducted in Romanian, with consecutive interpretation in English, to ensure access to information for all interested parties.

After the hearings, the Commission will prepare a report that will include relevant facts, reasons, and a proposal for either promoting or non-promoting the evaluation by the candidate. The report will be sent to the subject of the evaluation and the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), which will have 30 days from the receival of the Commission's report to issue a reasoned decision.

It is noted that the evaluation process for the three subjects lasted several months, during which the Commission gathered all available information from public and private sources and analyzed them in terms of financial and ethical integrity. During this period, the subjects responded to multiple rounds of questions and sub-questions, including the provision of additional confirmatory documents. Upon request, the Commission provided the subjects with access to all materials of the evaluation file 7 days before the hearing, following the procedures established by the Commission’s Rules of Organization and Functioning.

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