The candidates for the SCJ and SCM Boards with no integrity doubt have successfully completed the stage of public hearings


The candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Diana Stănilă (Judge, Bălți Court of Appeal), Stela Procopciuc (Judge, Bălți Court of Appeal), Stella Bleșceaga (Judge, Chisinau District Court), Adrian Cerbu (Judge, Criuleni District Court), and Ion Munteanu (Interim Prosecutor General), as well as the candidate for the position of member of the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM), Dumitru Racoviță (Judge, Ungheni District Court), have successfully passed the stage of public hearings.

The discussions between the members of the Vetting Commission and the candidates were brief, as after analyzing the information gathered from public and private sources, as well as the multiple rounds of questions and answers, the Commission did not identify any doubts requiring examination in hearings. All aspects pertaining to the verification of their financial and ethical integrity have been thoroughly clarified through written communication with the candidates and their interaction with the Commission, during which the subjects also provided confirmatory documents.

During the hearings, the candidates were asked to confirm the accuracy and validity of the information provided in their declarations, ethics questionnaire, and responses given to the Commission throughout the evaluation. At the end of each interview, candidates made brief closing statements, if they deemed it necessary. Video recordings of the hearings will be published on the Commission's website and YouTube channel, as established by the Rule of organization and functioning of the Commission.

From the same group of candidates, without integrity doubts, the SCM candidate, Tatiana Tabuncic, was also invited to the hearings. The member of the Integrity Council exercised her right not to participate in the interview.

In the following period, the Commission will work on drafting reports proposing the promotion of external evaluation, which will be submitted to the SCM for examination. The SCM will have 30 days to decide whether to accept or reject the Commission's proposal.

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