Candidate to the SCM, Tatiana Tabuncic, passed the external evaluation


Tatiana Tabuncic, candidate for the position of member of the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) passed the Vetting Commission's evaluation. According to the Commission, she meets the criteria of financial and ethical integrity laid down in Law 26/2022, under which she was assessed. The member of the Integrity Council, Tatiana Tabuncic, is on the list of non-judge candidates proposed by the Parliament for the vacant positions in the SCM.

The Vetting Commission sent today its decision to the candidate and to the Parliament, the institution responsible for organizing the competition. The result of the evaluation has been published on the Commission's website. In the meantime, the candidate has notified the Commission that she does not object to the publication of the decision. The decision is therefore available HERE.

Candidates to the SCM and SCM boards, entered in the competition after 1 September 2023, are evaluated by the Vetting Commission, as established by Law 252/2023 on external evaluation of judges and prosecutors.

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