One more candidate for SCJ, accepted by the SCM based on the report of the Vetting Commission


The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) approved today the report of the Vetting Commission on the candidate for the position of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), Stela Procopciuc, who passed the external evaluation.

The judge from the Balti Court of Appeal, Stela Procopciuc, meets the criteria of ethical and financial integrity and was accepted for the position of judge at the CSJ on the basis of the report of the Vettting Commission. The Commission will publish its evaluation report within 3 days of the adoption of the reasoned decision by the SCM, in accordance with Law 65/2023 and the Regulation on the organisation and functioning of the Commission.


On March 5, candidate Stela Procopciuc was invited to hearings to confirm the correctness and validity of the information provided during the evaluation, whereas the Commission has not identified any doubts that needed to be further examined in the hearings.

On 15 March 2024, the Vetting Commission sent its report to the SCM, with proposal to pass the external evaluation.

Out of eight evaluation reports on SCJ submitted to the SCM so far, six were with a proposal for pass and two with a proposal for fail. The SCM has examined and accepted six of the Commission's reports, five with proposal for pass and one with proposal for fail.

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