The Vetting Commission has published the report on the evaluation of judge of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ) Aliona Miron after the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) examined the results of the evaluation and set out its position in a reasoned decision. The report has been published with appropriate precautions to protect the privacy of the subject and other persons.
Link to the Report
The sitting SCJ judge Aliona Miron was evaluated by the Vetting Commission under the provisions of Law 65/2023 on the external evaluation of judges and candidates for judges of the Supreme Court of Justice.
Following the evaluation, the Commission determined that the judge meets the financial and ethical integrity criteria and proposed to the SJC to pass the evaluation. The SCM accepted the Commission's report.
According to Law 65/2023, the Vetting Commission publishes the evaluation report no later than 3 days after the adoption of the SCM decision.