The reports on the evaluation of the SCJ candidates, Adrian Cerbu and Diana Stănilă, were sent to the SCM for examination


The Vetting Commission has sent to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) the evaluation reports on judges Adrian Cerbu and Diana Stănilă, candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ). The Commission proposes to the SCM that the two candidates pass the external evaluation.

The reports include details of the evaluation, the relevant facts and the reasons for the Commission's conclusions. The SCM will then examine the results received from the Commission in a public hearing and decide on them in a reasoned decision. The Vetting Commission will publish the evaluation reports on its website within 3 days after the adoption of the decisions by the SCM, as provided for by Law 65/2023 and the Commission's Rules of Organization and Functioning.

Ten evaluation reports on candidates for the position of judge at the SCJ have been submitted to the SCM by the Vetting Commission since the beginning of the external evaluation process. Eight were with a proposal for pass and two with a proposal for fail. The SCM examined and accepted six of the reports, five with proposal for pass and one with proposal for fail.


The Vetting Commission is conducting the external evaluation of judges and candidates for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice based on Law 65/2023. The evaluation involves detailed examination of the financial and ethical integrity of the subjects. For the evaluation of ethical integrity, the analysis period is up to 10 years. The Commission verifies whether the subject has engaged in arbitrary behaviors or conflicts of interest incompatible with the held position. For the evaluation of financial integrity, the analysis period is up to 12 years. The Commission verifies the subject's compliance with the tax and legal regime for declaring assets and personal interests, the manner of acquiring property or possession, as well as expenses related to the maintenance of such assets and sources of income.

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