The Vetting Commission proposes to the SCM that judge Stela Procopciuc passes the evaluation


The Vetting Commission sent to the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) its report regarding the evaluation of judge Stela Procopciuc from the Bălți Court of Appeal. Judge Procopciuc was assessed by the Commission as a candidate for the position of judge at the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ). The Commission's proposal to the SCM is that Stela Procopciuc passes the evaluation.

The report submitted to the SCM contains details about the evaluation, relevant facts, and the reasons underlying the Commission's conclusions. It has also been transmitted to the candidate. The SCM will publicly examine the evaluation results and make a decision based on the information provided by the Evaluation Commission. The Vetting Commission's report regarding the evaluation of Stela Procopciuc will be published on the Commission's website within three days of the SCM's reasoned decision, in accordance with Law no. 65/2023 and the Rules of Organization and Functioning of the Commission.

To date, the Vetting Commission sent eight evaluation reports on SCJ candidates to the SCM. In six reports, the Commission proposed that candidates pass the evaluation, while two reports recommended fail of the evaluation. The SCM examined six of these reports and in all six cases accepted the Commission’s proposal. In five cases, the candidates passed the evaluation, while one candidate failed.

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