Vetting Commission hearing schedule for 20 and 22 March


On Wednesday 20 March and Friday 22 March, the Vetting Commission will hear five subjects of external evaluation, candidates for positions in the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ), the Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) and in the two Boards of the SCM. The hearing represents the stage of the evaluation process where candidates can clarify certain aspects related to integrity doubts communicated to them in the notification inviting them to the hearing. In the case of candidates for whom no doubts have been identified, they are asked to confirm whether the information provided to the Commission throughout the evaluation process remains true, complete, and has not undergone any changes in the meantime.

Hearing schedule

Wednesday, 20 March 2024

  • 9:30 Vladislav GRIBINCEA, candidate for the position of SCJ judge
  • 10:00 Sergiu BĂIEȘU, candidate for the position of member of the SCM
  • 12:30 Anatolie ȚURCAN, incumbent SCJ judge

Friday, 22 March 2024

  • 9:30 Ion BURUIANĂ, candidate to the Disciplinary Board of the SCM
  • 12:00 Ghenadie MÎRA, candidate to the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges of the SCM

The hearings will take place at the premises of SCM - Chișinău, str. M. Eminescu 5. Those interested in the external evaluation process are invited to participate in the hearings, notifying the Commission Secretariat in advance via e-mail  

Participation details

Third parties who attend the hearings will adhere to the established order of procedures:

·        They will not be allowed to film, broadcast live, or photograph in the hearing room.

·        The hearings will be recorded by audio and video means by the Commission.

·        The Secretariat of the Commission will provide interested journalists with photos taken during the hearings.

·        After the hearings, video recordings in Romanian and English will be available on the Commission's website : and on the Commission's YouTube channel within 3 days.

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