The acting president of the Court of Appeal Chișinău, Ghenadie Mîra, was invited by the Vetting Commission to the hearing


The Vetting Commission sent the hearing notice to the Acting President of the Court of Appeal Chișinău, judge Ghenadie Mîra, under evaluation as a candidate for membership in the Board for the selection and evaluation of judges of the Superior Council of Magistracy. In the notification, the Commission informed the candidate of the integrity doubts that will be addressed during the interview.

Candidate Mîra has a maximum of 3 days from the receipt of the notification to confirm participation, and if deemed necessary, may request certain parts of the hearing to be conducted in closed session. Additionally, he may request access to the evaluation file by sending an email to the Commission Secretariat at least 7 days before the scheduled interview date.

In the event of the candidate's refusal to participate in the interview, the Commission will finalize its evaluation based on information collected from various sources, including open sources, and from communication with the subject throughout the evaluation process.

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